Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday of the year. You really can't go wrong with the presents, eggnog, Christmas trees, and time to spend with family in friends. My only problem (not with Christmas itself) is the fact that people start playing the Christmas music way too early. I was in my car two days before Thanksgiving, and the station I was listening to began playing Christmas music. COME ON! I like to listen to the music maybe the week leading up to Christmas, but a month in advance is too much holly jolliness for me. There are only so many Christmas songs they can play then it becomes a game of who sings the exact same song better. If I could pass a law that Christmas music couldn't be played until at least the second week of December I would.
I LOVE Christmas but please please please don't play the music until December!
I COMPLETELY agree! I hate when even before Thanksgiving, Christmas lights and decorations are put up, along with Christmas stations on the radio. Its almost as if people don't think Thanksgiving is important. One day at a time people!